SECURITY WARNING: No employee of Mudrex will ever get in touch with you  via email, phone-call or sms directly to ask for any of your personal or account related details. DO NOT give your details to any one ever.

One of the ways that online hackers and scammers try to get information from customers is through phishing emails. Phishing emails are fraudulent emails that are made to look like legitimate emails from a person or company you may work with, but they are really from a malicious person trying to obtain important information from you.

There are a few things you should notice from this email. First, when you hover over the link and view the destination, you will find that it directs to a page that is not This is a red-flag.

Second, be sure to check from whom this email is coming from. For this example, it may appear to be coming from "Mudrex", but you will find that the email address is not This is our official email address and any variation from this may be indicative that the email you received is malicious in nature.

If you ever feel suspicious of any communication with us, please don't hesitate to contact us by raising a ticket or by sending and email