There are multiple factors that cause prices of currencies to change across exchanges. Below are some commonly asked questions.
How are currency prices determined?
Prices of digital assets are driven by market forces, i.e. the price of buying depends on who is willing to sell at the cheapest and the price of selling depends on who is willing to buy ar the most expensive rate. At a macro level, factors like liquidity, volatility and global news is what moves the price of any digital asset.
Why is there a difference in Indian price and international prices?
As discussed before, because price depends on demand and supply of the coin/asset, prices can be different on different exchanges since demand and supply on different exchanges is different. As a result of which prices on Mudrex can be higher or lower than prices on other exchanges both in India and abroad.
What is a guarantee that prices on Mudrex are 'fair'?
Mudrex is an open book exchange, i.e. you buy and sell from other users and not Mudrex directly. Mudrex platform only facilitates the exchange of these goods. As a result Mudrex has NO role to play in pricing of a coin on its exchange.